Mangrove Restoration: A Community Effort in Kabasalan

Mangrove Restoration: A Community Effort in Kabasalan

Mangrove forests act as nature’s guardians, filtering water, providing vital habitat for marine life and livelihood for local coastal communities, and even protecting shorelines from erosion and storms. Unfortunately, these vital ecosystems have faced threats such as coastal development, cutting, and conversion to aquaculture ponds.

This is where our Blue Carbon Program steps in. Focused on the preservation and restoration of mangrove habitats in the Philippines, our program recently embarked on an exciting new chapter in Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay. Here, we partnered with the Kapunungan sa Gagmay’ng Mangingisda sa Concepcion (KGMC), a local fisherfolk association, to empower the community and foster a sense of ownership in the hands of the communities that rely on these ecosystems the most.

Knowledge is Power: Equipping the Community for Mangrove Restoration

The second phase of our program started with a Community-Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR) training. Participants, including KGMC members, representatives from the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Kabasalan, and the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO), actively participated in this training. 

The training was not just about understanding the “why” behind the restoration. It delved into the “how” with a focus on the CBEMR method and monitoring protocols. This approach equipped the participants with the knowledge and skills for mangrove restoration.

Learning by Doing: Putting Theory into Action

But knowledge thrives when put into practice. Following the training, the participants visited nearby abandoned fishpond sites. Here, they have applied their newfound skills by assessing the site’s potential for mangrove restoration. This hands-on experience solidified their understanding of the opportunities involved in restoring these vital ecosystems.

A Collaborative Effort for a Brighter Future

The CBEMR training in Kabasalan marks a significant step forward for our Blue Carbon Program. This is the second phase of our ongoing efforts in Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay, with a hope to continuously empower local communities to become active participants in protecting their coastal environment.

This would not be possible without the incredible collaboration of our dedicated partners. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Robert “Kadodoy” Ballon and the KGMC community for their unwavering commitment. We are also grateful for the invaluable support from the LGU Kabasalan, MENRO, and the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) – Kabasalan for attending the training.

Ultimately, our goal is to convert abandoned fishponds into thriving mangrove forests. With the collaborative effort of dedicated communities and organizations, we are building a more resilient future for Kabasalan’s coastline. 

Read more about our program here!

This project is funded by Synchronicity Earth.