A critical milestone in our Community-led Mangrove and Migratory Bird Conservation Project unlocked!
Last March 9-10, 2024, through the expertise of consultants from the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines, Ms. Nikki Realubit and Karen Ochavo, 15 members of the United Fisherfolk Association of Capiñahan (UFAC) were trained on Bird Identification for Ecotourism and Conservation.
Focusing on migratory waterbirds found within Bais Bay and Talabong Island, the members of UFAC participated in this knowledge transfer activity. The ultimate goal is for them to be able to identify bird species and conduct guided bird watching tours in the future.
Proper bird identification is crucial to bird watching and bird biodiversity monitoring. Apart from conducting bird watching tours for livelihood, they will be part of the ongoing global monitoring and data gathering of all the different bird species on the planet. See https://ebird.org/about. In cases where birds from a threatened species appear in their area, they will be able to identify and record the occurrence.
Other follow-up activities (such as pilot/practice bird watching sessions) are in the pipeline to ensure proper facilitation of bird watching tours.
Stay tuned for future posts on this project!