Mangrove Restoration in Salay, Misamis Oriental

Mangrove Restoration in Salay, Misamis Oriental

One of the main projects of Oceanus Conservation is to support the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration 2021- 2030. Oceanus aim to restore and protect mangrove forests by working with local communities in the Philippines. One of our project sites is the Salay Mangrove Association in Looc, Salay, Misamis Oriental. Salay Mangrove Association is our local partners and we assisted them for the past year with the planting and monitoring of mangrove species in their area. 

In the month of January 2022, a total of 516 Avicennia rumphiana seedlings were planted in Salay together with the Angat Looc Youth Organization (AYLO) and the Zone 3 Salay Mangrove Organization. In February 2022, a total of 482 mangrove saplings of the same species were planted. All of the saplings were planted using a clumping method (by twos and threes) in a zigzag pattern. After the planting of mangrove species in the area, we assisted with the monitoring of these seedlings bi-monthly. 

Recently in March 2022, we added 500 mangrove saplings of Sonneratia sp. which is also a pioneer species in the seaward zone.

We envision working together with local communities all over the country and hopefully restoring and protecting their mangrove forests which are extremely important as they are blue carbon habitats that help us achieve net-zero emissions by 2030!

If you would like to partner for our restoration efforts, please check this page.

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