Community-based mangrove restoration

Community-based mangrove restoration

Mangrove ecosystems are valuable both economically and ecologically and provide many ecosystem goods and services.

Typhoons and conversion to aquaculture ponds are the two most common type of disturbance that affected this ecosystem for a long time. In the last  5 years, the restoration efforts of mangroves are increasing, however, due to the National Greening Program targets in the country, there are institutions and some local government units implementing “wrong species- wrong area” and “mono-species” practices in mangrove conservation for the longest time. This is seen in the very low survival (2% to 25%) of the planted areas of restoration around the country.

As a restoration steward for wetlands under the program banner of Global Landscapes Forum and Youth in Landscapes Initiative, I will be working on restoration projects with communities around Mindanao and Luzon, and foster youth activities in restoration. Our goal is to work together with local government leaders in identifying abandoned, underutilized and unproductive fishponds (AUU) and other restoration sites. We work with communities and City Environment to give science-based restoration program. 

Duration: January to December 2021

Photos from our site assessment field work, site assessment of nursery and joining in the restoration work with the communities. We make sure to follow science and evidence based restoration that follows nature. We don’t just plant anywhere but we make sure it is the right species at the right area.

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